personal and professional support services

About Us Short and simple. We’ve

learned a lot in our entrepreneurial

career and we’d like to share that

knowledge with you if it can help you in

your personal and/or business space…

jack pyle associates

© 2024 Jack Pyle Associates - All Rights Reserved

Here’s a quick glimpse at our background. Does it relate to anything you’re doing, or would like to be doing?
Advertising and Public Relations - after graduating from Duke University we founded an advertising and public rela- tions agency in an Orlando area suburb (Maitland), and operated it successfully for a number of years. The principles haven’t changed: the most effective advertising is still word of mouth, and PR still means doing good stuff, and letting people know about it. Real Estate - then after a rewarding stint in the Orlando area as a commercial and investment Realtor with a CCIM professional designation, we relocated back to the Tampa Bay area where we were born and raised, settling on the beautiful islands of Tierra Verde to enjoy a semi-retired lifestyle. Computers - how could we get along without them? But they are only a means to an end, and their successful utilization depends upon how well we understand how to use them. And they are virtually limitless. Chances are they can contribute much more to your bottom line if you’ll only let them. We’ve been honing our IT skills for a lot of years, and we’re eager to share those insights with you. the Internet - we’ve programmed super-complex technical websites as well as more traditional commercial websites and have the latest tools to work with. You may have a functional website already, but have you ever had an outside third party do an objective, all-inclusive Website Audit to identify if and where it needs to be corrected and/or improved? Scroll down for more information. Sailing - one of our first loves, we’ve cruised Florida waters (east and west coasts and the Keys and Dry Tortugas) as well as extensively in the Bahamas aboard our Morgan OI ketch, Algorithm II. If that’s of interest to you, we’ll happily share our experiences, good and bad, with you over a cup of coffee (or a beer if you prefer).
case in point… In our recent audit of a Hillsborough Realtor’s website we were surprised (shocked?) to find more than a few misspelled words and numerous gram- matical errors. Professional? Hardly! Even worse, several of the links within that website erroneously took the user to the website of a competing Realtor with whom he had been associated several years earlier. Needless to say, he got those errors fixed pretty fast!
Our Website Audit will examine all the nooks and crannies of your website and give you a written, unbiased and comprehensive report covering all the issues we find, as well as our rec- ommendations for fixing and/or improving those issues. Tap here for more information about our Website Audit service Tap here to order your Website Audit read less
support services personal & professional

About Us

Learned a lot in our lengthy career - advertising and PR, real estate, computers, the internet, sailing - sharing that with you can make your business more successful and your personal life more enjoyable…

jack pyle associates

Does our background relate to anything you’re doing, or would like to be doing? Advertising and Public Relations - after graduating from Duke University we founded an advertising and public relations agency in an Orlando area suburb (Maitland), and operated it successfully for several years. The principles haven’t changed: the most effective advertising is still word of mouth, and PR still means doing good stuff, and letting people know about it. Real Estate - then after a rewarding stint in the Orlando area as a commercial and investment Realtor with a CCIM professional designation we relocated back to the Tampa Bay area where we were born and raised, settling on the beautiful islands of Tierra Verde to enjoy a semi-retired lifestyle. Computers - how could we get along without them? But they are only a means to an end, and their successful utilization depends upon how well we understand how to use them. And they are virtually limitless. Chances are they can contribute much more to your bottom line if you’ll only let them. We’ve been honing our IT skills for a lot of years, and we’re eager to share those insights with you. the Internet - we’ve programmed super-complex technical websites as well as more traditional commercial websites and have the latest tools to work with. You may have a functional website already, but have you ever had an outside third party do an objective and all-inclusive Website Audit to identify if and where it needs to be corrected and/or improved? See additional information at right. Sailing - one of our first loves, we’ve cruised Florida waters (east and west coasts and the Keys) as well as extensively in the Bahamas aboard our Morgan OI ketch, Algorithm II. If that’s of interest to you, we’ll happily share our experiences, good and bad, with you over a cup of coffee (or a beer if you prefer).
In our recent audit of a Hills- borough Realtor’s website we were surprised (shocked?) to find more than a few mis- spelled words and numerous grammatical errors. Professional? Hardly! Even worse, several of the links within that website erroneously took the user to the website of a competing Realtor with whom he had been associated several years earlier. Needless to say, he got those errors fixed pretty fast!
case in point…
Let us do a highly detailed Website Audit that will exam- ine all the nooks and crannies of your website and provide a comprehensive report cover- ing all the issues we find, as well as recommendations for fixing or improving those issues. Click here for more info about our Website Audit Click here to order your website audit
2024 Jack Pyle Associates - All Rights Resered